Our Services
Avidor healthcare offers a fast and easy way to find healthcare professionals. Our expertise is in sourcing and training, compassionate and experienced staff for a wide range of roles within the care sector and related environments. We pride ourselves in the ability to match our staff to our clients' needs and interests. Our office managers aim to build relationships with clients ensuring that we understand and meet their requirements.
Hospital Discharge Care
Caring for loved ones on a full time basis after being discharged from hospital can be a challenge, especially with the need to juggle work and day to day life. Be rest assured at Avidor Healthcare we bridge the gap by supplying qualified and experienced care workers to look after loved ones so that families can have a break.
Nursing Staff supply
At Avidor Healthcare we also recruit and supply qualified Nurses to a wide variety of customers. Our nursing staff are fully vetted and DBS checked to enhance trust and high levels of compliance and professional contact. We have a culture of excellence in the delivery of our services.
Agency Cover
At Avidor Healthcare we understand our clients may need last-minute cover due to illness or absence. We provide staff who can cover one-off shifts at any time of the day. If you require this service please contact us by email, phone or complete the contact form and we will be in touch with you.